Communication - Dr Sydney Bennett H.I.3
WHY I REFUSE TO COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE Communication - Dr Sydney Bennett H.I.3 September 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not have to or like to as I cannot fu*king stand a majority of 50+ percentage of people that had & do exist If you were vocally mentioned or contacted by those operating at or with the one Ontario neurological technology lab between 1985-2023 I, Dr Sydney N Bennett do not like, trust or respect you & never will. I am pissed off & will never stop being pissed off at everyone involved & connected then those mentioned which extends to any content, product, service, brand or organization, corporation or company on earth that had or does & may exist VOCABULARY OF DERANGED HOMOSEXUAL While CIG The CommonWealth Group supports equal rights PT tolerates law & that decision with strict reservations on profiling persons Safe or unsafe STRAIGHT NORMAL Straight heterosexual ...