
Showing posts from September, 2023

Communication - Dr Sydney Bennett H.I.3

WHY I REFUSE TO COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE Communication - Dr Sydney Bennett H.I.3 September 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not have to or like to as I cannot fu*king stand a majority of 50+ percentage of people that had & do exist If you were vocally mentioned or contacted by those operating at or with the one Ontario neurological technology lab between 1985-2023 I, Dr Sydney N Bennett do not like, trust or respect you & never will. I am pissed off & will never stop being pissed off at everyone involved & connected then those mentioned which extends to any content, product, service, brand or organization, corporation or company on earth that had or does & may exist    VOCABULARY OF DERANGED HOMOSEXUAL While CIG The CommonWealth Group supports equal rights PT tolerates law & that decision with strict reservations on profiling persons Safe or unsafe   STRAIGHT NORMAL Straight heterosexual ...

Schedule of Dr Sydney Bennett. Oct 2023

SCHEDULE OF DR SYDNEY BENNETT Schedule of Dr Sydney Bennett. Oct 2023 October 1, 2023 Research property deed closing date in Muskokas Toronto office construction for October 15, 2023 start date Selling or donating items Searching for a personal home north of Toronto with new legal representation in Toronto & financial advisors choice in real estate agent Purchase of new items for the three properties New security guard & research assistant start in 2024, January. Working with CIG The CommonWealth Group options until the transition then the two will connect with CIG options & contacts Currently in a temporary shelter in Scarborough - Toronto due to brain trauma from the H.I.3 case at request of the Toronto General Hospital 2022 November - 2023 October   PT Prehistoric Territory 

You Cannot Own Sydney Nicola Bennett as a wireless Robot. H.I.3 case

THE ONTARIO NEURO-TECH LAB North Bay, Ontario, Canada  The Havana International 3+ case -------------------------------------------------------------------- SITUATION  You Cannot Own Sydney Nicola Bennett as a wireless Robot. H.I.3 case  It is illegal to have lured in Dr Sydney Nicola Bennett in for something else & to have permanently connected his body to own as a robot wirelessly as was done between 1980's-1990's in the North Bay area of Ontario Canada  This is separate from brain research conducted at Laurention University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada with Michael Persinger in the past since 1990's with Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs involved  The North Bay & area lab which sourced the wireless equipment effectively connected Dr Sydney Nicola Bennett's body to own as a robot slave monitoring & or monitoring & controlling 24/7 leaving Sydney Mic fighting for control of his body daily regardless of where he was or what he wa...

H.I.3 - All Links October 1, 2023

MASTER LINKS - EVERY DETAIL  Everything you need to know... H.I.3 - All Links October 1, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sydney Bennett CIG 2023 restructure H.I.3 Case. Organized strategically for review + PDF back up. Copy - save into Word or Doc for review & share copies like millions have -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- June 21, 2023 - Join hundreds of millions H.I.3 Case Havana International 3+ with Framework  Last update. H.I.3 You can read & review the blogger pages that accompany the 11-25 hours description of the Havana International 3+ case within 5 hours or under 10 accurately as it all goes together as a learned craft intertwined within the ciminal legal case alongside recorded & documented evidence with traced correspondence  There is a school...

Ontario PT Registration

ONTARIO PT REGISTRATION September 30, 2023 Ontario PT Registration  Toronto, Ontario, Canada based New transferred assets & strategic domestic & international banking accounts Ontario Business Registration Toronto Office Legal rep & financial advisor with advanced 24 hour security for Dr Sydney Bennett's strategic personal investment portfolio October 1, 2023 pocession of office  Muskoka Research Property Research assistant with advanced 24 hour security  October 1, 2023. Pocession of land deed on Lake with construction plans completing get July 1, 2024  Personal home Security guard & girlfriend then screened guests then advanced 24 hour security  Undisclosed location north of Toronto. Lakeside Linked In Professional Profile All Dr Sydney Bennett does now is accepts a retirement pension from the Toronto office in a strategic market investment ...

Items Dr Sydney Bennett is selling - donating fall 2023

ITEMS - ASSETS FOR SALE DUE TO THE H.I.3 CASE September 30, 2023 Items Dr Sydney Bennett is selling - donating fall 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- In retirement. Dr Sydney N Bennett. Does not want to be bothered by any one person or group outside of hired Financial Advisor, Legal Representation, Security Guard & Research Assistant or Girlfriend unless it is Karen Fellici, legal representation connecting CIG The CommonWealth Group Montreal Refusal to communicate with anyone outside of these people & screened contacts without Government authority & restraining orders - Previous Calgary storage GulfStream 650 - Keeping the jet for PT Toronto Lamborghini Aventador - Transferring to CIG interests Montreal Mercedes Maybach - Trading on new option for Ontario KTM 450 SX-F & Yeti attachment with second motor sold at auction Kawasaki Zx6r gifted - donated Acura MDX gifted - donated All other items sold at auction or gifted - donated - P...

Unwanted Opinions - Unwanted Advice - H.I.3

OPINIONS - YOURS VERSUS MY CONSCIOUS OPINION Unwanted Opinions - Unwanted Advice - H.I.3 Dr Sydney Bennett. Age 38. 2023 September 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The one Ontario lab, North Bay. Past - present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in Persons & groups connected, contacted & those connecting past - present within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada RESPONSIBLE PERSONS People that operated at the responsible neurological technology lab between 1985-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 You expressed your opinions while illegally spying on & through my body between 2012-2023 after other efforts taken prior to 2012 negatively affecting me I did not want to be dictated by one or more persons ages 0-17 or those ages 18-100+ I did not want to be forced to overhear or stop what I am doing in my daily life to hear out the opinions of any one person ages 0-17 or ...

Intro to H.I.3

INTRODUCTION  September 15, 2023 H.I.3 Case. Havana International 3+ Intro to H.I.3 All publicly disclosed information January 1, 2016 - September 13, 2023 All non-disclosures & gag orders lifted permanently 2016  All Meta: Facebook profile connected in the 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case. Everything goes together as one  Read. Copy into PDF form from a Word or Doc program. Review & refer back to often Remain calm  PT Group - CIG interests Dr Carly K.S Bennett. Dr Tekari Y Bennett. Nikki Koslov. Patrick R Bennett M.B.A. Nicole R Bennett B.Com. Karen Fellici. Tatiana Bennett. Dr Nicolas Bennett  International interests connected  Case conclusion. September 15, 2023. No new edits for the case while we prepare for a course case while Dr Nicolas Bennett & Tatiana Bennett prepare to move into their lakeside home in Canada fall 2023 ACCESSIBLE CONTENT Requests to keep the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages onl...

Copy - Past until 2025 H.I.3

COPY PASTE - 11-25 HOURS & BLOGGER September 29, 2023 Copy - Past until 2025 H.I.3 We are updating the career portfolio & H.I.3 case description intertwined together in new raw based PDF form copy - pasted from the Meta: Facebook profiles & connected Blogger pages  It takes 30-60 hours to read everything & under 60 hours to copy-paste each timeline-main page, photo album & description then blogger pages posts  Any one person or group can follow suit & copy-paste then review anytime as it is made public since between 2016-2026 with latest updates September 29, 2023 We are allowing this until January 1, 2025 at which point the public access situation will be reviewed & we will vote if we keep the information public rather than a new Corporate image & professional portfolio  Prehistoric Territory

Parents of everybody. H.I.3 1980's-2023

PARENTS OF... NEW COMERS TO CANADA Parents of everybody. H.I.3 1980's-2023 September 29, 2023 The one Ontario lab, North Bay had tried to connect with everyone's parents & remaining living grand parents Corrupt areas of the Canadian & US Governments operating with criminal interests in the North Bay area then those that relocated & those connected domestically within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada The labs connected with & invited persons in or connected to Jordan Bennett CA.CPA & family then extended operating at the responsible lab that negatively affected & harmed Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 Persons Dr Sydney N Bennett met as a child, teenager & adult then those connected past & present were recorded & documented as involved operating with others Dr Sydney N Bennett had not met ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ then those that since turned 18+ Prehistoric Territo...

Canadian Parliment 2016-2023

CANADIAN PARLIAMENT September 29, 2023 Prior to January 1, 2016 & multiple times between January 1, 2016-September 29, 2023 With recorded & documented evince extracted from the Montreal lab at Rue Cypress with connected contacts over the North Bay lab for their efos taken against Dr Sydney N Bennett had responded each time Prior to 2016 January 1 You are above the jurisdiction of the Canadian Parliament & can fend for yourselves Specific persons signed in email & in person letter stating their ethics commission board has no interest in responding while the case is down played & disregarded Actual real correspondence with Ottawa online & in person Post 2016 January 1 You are above the jurisdiction of the Canadian Parliament & can fend for yourselves Mario Dion & specific persons with response signed in email & in person letter stating their ethics commission board has no interest in responding while the case is down played & disregarded Post 2018 ...

Intro to H.I.3

INTRODUCTION  September 15, 2023 H.I.3 Case. Havana International 3+ Intro to H.I.3 All publicly disclosed information January 1, 2016 - September 13, 2023 All non-disclosures & gag orders lifted permanently 2016  All Meta: Facebook profile connected in the 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case. Everything goes together as one  Read. Copy into PDF form from a Word or Doc program. Review & refer back to often Remain calm  PT Group - CIG interests Dr Carly K.S Bennett. Dr Tekari Y Bennett. Nikki Koslov. Patrick R Bennett M.B.A. Nicole R Bennett B.Com. Karen Fellici. Tatiana Bennett. Dr Nicolas Bennett  International interests connected  Case conclusion. September 15, 2023. No new edits for the case while we prepare for a course case while Dr Nicolas Bennett & Tatiana Bennett prepare to move into their lakeside home in Canada fall 2023 ACCESSIBLE CONTENT Requests to keep the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages onl...

Taking offence to a criminal rights case?

ANY ONE PERSON THAT TOOK OFFENCE Taking offence to a criminal rights case? September 29, 2023 Taking offence to the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours description & Blogger pages of the H.I.3 case & documented - recorded evidence collected between 1990's-2023? If considered insane unstable psychopath delusional demented crazy people that operated at or with the responsible neurological technology labs which cannot understand the difference between vintage & modern with past & currently accepted politically correct international terms while you try to look good displaying your opinions in comparison to victims or tour ow victims in the process Your all mentally insane high level criminal psychopaths for what your all recorded & documented doing between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 If you cannot read a description of a criminal rights case without taking offence then targeting & attacking the victims then your an insane criminal p...

Blood Testing - Results Dr Sydney N Bennett

BLOOD TEST RESULTS DAY Blood Testing - Results Dr Sydney N Bennett  September 29, 2023 Results of Dr Sydney N Bennett most recent testing in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada (Toronto) Results from September 28, 2023 testing. Perfectly fine. Require more exercise for cholesterol levels. Getting a second blood test to be sure  BLOOD & URINE TESTING Blood & urine testing results. Screened for cancer, hormone levels & any sexual transmitted diseases or infections then anything else Waiting on results. 11:32 AM Second round of results will be revealed Monday October 2 with all other results  ULTRASOUND Ultrasound scans on arms, thighs & genital area - buttock for cancer & cyst screening Waiting on results. 11:32 AM INFECTION Infected nail - finger (left hand index finger) melanonychia requiring cintrex anti fungal nail polish & anti-biotics Waiting on referr...

M.C.G - M.S.P 2023

M.C.G MURDER CITY GANG M.C.G - M.S.P 2023 September 29, 2023 Investigation into the responsible neurological technology labs 1990's-2023 with Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs operating with M.S.P Modern Separatist Group separate from Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs clients including 5 Eyes operating with theirs (M.C.G) within different organizations, corporations, companies, areas of Government, public markets, imports & exports, logistics & cartage, athletes, persons in media, film, television, medical & dental health then scientists & artists, musicians, bands plus all others operating connected to or with M.C.G Murder City Gang while M.S.P Modern Separatist Group interests operate as paid or drafted interests to carry out action while M.C.G Murder City Gang investigates each interest documented & recorded including developing intelligence life cycle profiles of lives ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+ including all registered...

World War 3. Global Intelligence War

WAR WORLD 3 World War 3. Global Intelligence War September 29, 2023 We have officially declared war against our enemies that operated at the responsible neurological technology labs negatively affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett M.S.P Modern Separatist Group & M.C.G Murder City Gang After failed negotiations to settle & unman between 1990's-2005, 2006-2011 & again between 2012-2023 we are not even going to bother with an effort to force a court case now after we were denied right to trial in Canada between 1990's-2023 Stakeholders Supervisors Operating handlers Past - present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in operating within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada between 1980's-2023 Females Males Gender & sexuality variants  Accomplices Persons & groups connected, contacted & connecting operating through different offline, online, mobile & telephone c...

Intro to H.I.3

INTRODUCTION  September 15, 2023 H.I.3 Case. Havana International 3+ Intro to H.I.3 All publicly disclosed information January 1, 2016 - September 13, 2023 All non-disclosures & gag orders lifted permanently 2016  All Meta: Facebook profile connected in the 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case. Everything goes together as one  Read. Copy into PDF form from a Word or Doc program. Review & refer back to often Remain calm  PT Group - CIG interests Dr Carly K.S Bennett. Dr Tekari Y Bennett. Nikki Koslov. Patrick R Bennett M.B.A. Nicole R Bennett B.Com. Karen Fellici. Tatiana Bennett. Dr Nicolas Bennett  International interests connected  Case conclusion. September 15, 2023. No new edits for the case while we prepare for a course case while Dr Nicolas Bennett & Tatiana Bennett prepare to move into their lakeside home in Canada fall 2023 ACCESSIBLE CONTENT Requests to keep the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages onl...

Communication - PT Group - CIG

HOW PT GROUP - CIG COMMUNICATES September 27, 2023 Communication - PT Group - CIG  -------------------------------------------------------------------- We rarely meet in person yet had in the 1990's-early 2000's Indirect communication in person disguised or connecting through different persons & groups with concealed identities using encrypted language that the sender knows, that the messenger cannot decipher that the receiver can decipher or we use detachable or permanent research subjects through Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs clients or M.S.P & M.C.G subjects or those of approved connected lab subjects in different lives as we can talk safely into our skull - ears using encrypted communications subject receivers not messengers can decipher Safe light contact in different languages encrypted into skull-ears often using assisted video or imagery layered about natural mental state: thought, imagination or memory even if another lab has compromised t...

Ontario Canada - H.I.3

ONTARIO CANADA September 27, 2023 Government of Ontario ---------------------------------------------------------------- The responsible neurological technology labs not operating at Laurention University or McGill University Macdonald, the Neuro or Rue Cypress in Ontario had used medical professionals to cover up having patients bodies illegally connected to sourced full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology by claiming they suffer from mental - physical disability handicaps they do not actually have These medical professionals went with opinions by design as false information against fact to justify the certification in diagnosis or symptoms of agreeing to medical conditions that don't actually exist as hereditary or late-night set as a cover to have their bodies connected under their neurological technology labs watch & control The labs did how ever administer from normal, detention & execution practices causing repeat temporary & permanen...

Minors loosing their lives - H.I.3

MINORS WITH PARENTS & GUARDIANS September 27, 2023 M.S.P Modern Separatist Group ------------------------------------------------------------------- The group is executing the parents,  grand parents (ages 18-100+) & minors (ages 0-17) that operated physically at the three clusters of Ontario labs spying on & through the bodies of any PT Group - CIG or M.S.P & M.C.G interests between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 This is for spying on & through the bodies & attempting to control our bodies while attempting to control the daily lives 24/7 using those operating at the responsible neurological technology labs while in contact with persons in their private lives that they knew or know & others connected then those at workplaces or connected within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada Minors & adults socially sabotaging us while speaking for us when we go to talk or in general whilst attacking our bodies wirelessly fro...

Intro to H.I.3

INTRODUCTION  September 15, 2023 H.I.3 Case. Havana International 3+ Intro to H.I.3 All publicly disclosed information January 1, 2016 - September 13, 2023 All non-disclosures & gag orders lifted permanently 2016  All Meta: Facebook profile connected in the 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case. Everything goes together as one  Read. Copy into PDF form from a Word or Doc program. Review & refer back to often Remain calm  PT Group - CIG interests Dr Carly K.S Bennett. Dr Tekari Y Bennett. Nikki Koslov. Patrick R Bennett M.B.A. Nicole R Bennett B.Com. Karen Fellici. Tatiana Bennett. Dr Nicolas Bennett  International interests connected  Case conclusion. September 15, 2023. No new edits for the case while we prepare for a course case while Dr Nicolas Bennett & Tatiana Bennett prepare to move into their lakeside home in Canada fall 2023 ACCESSIBLE CONTENT Requests to keep the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages onl...

Bid for Prime Minister. Dr Nicolas Bennett

BID FOR PRIME MINISTER September 27, 2023 Despite brain research mistakes made in Canada. The H.I.3 case there are interested parties in resolving with Dr Nicolas Bennett to create a new political party in Canada to take a local district MP seat then Prime Minister despite separate plans of Dr Nicolas Bennett in retirement which too between June 1, 2022-September 15, 2023 to restructure addressing multiple concerns with ones own life then PT Group CIG The CommonWealth Group Dr Nicolas Bennett, Sydney was born in North Bay in Ontario Canada in the Nipissing—Timiskaming federal electoral district Nipissing—Timiskaming is a federal electoral district in Ontario, Canada, that has been represented in the House of Commons of Canada since 2004. The riding was formed by the amalgamation of the former Nipissing riding with the southeastern portion of the former Timiskaming—Cochrane riding.  MP: Anthony Rota; Liberal Province: Ontario Area (km²): 15,313 District created:...

Jordan - Nic & Carly. Canada + H.I.3

ANARCHY & M.S.P MODERN SEPARATIST GROUP - M.C.G MURDER CITY GANG  Jordan - Nic & Carly. Canada + H.I.3 September 27, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTLAWS - M.S.P ANARCHY  PT Group - CIG investment portfolios strategically fund Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett with Jordan Bennett CA.CPA using their own earned money through Peter R Bennett & Tim Koslov Summer's investment group between 1990's-2023 Jordans separate earnings from different positions he held in North Bay, Calgary & Toronto are irrelevant lile sepatate earnings Dr Nicolas Bennett earned outside if PT Group - CIG due to the responsible North Bay, Ontario, Canada & connected neurological technology labs which lured in Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett with Jordan Bennett CA.CPA for something else & illegally connected their bodies to sourced full body neurological technology to monitor & or monitor & control them PT G...

Canadian Government, Banks & Private Sector + private interests

CANADIAN POLICE & GOVERNMENT Canadian Government, Banks & Private Sector + private interests  September 27, 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------   The area of the Canadian Government that wanted to clip our wings & discredit us as frauds in efforts to take us down & force us to die a slow & painful death between 2012-2023 after prior efforts taken between mainly 1990's-2011 as individual people are facing criminal charges as citizens outside of their roles in the Police services or Government for their involvement operating with or at the opposing neurological technology labs responsible for attacks on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett If M.S.P Modern Separatist Group interests cannot press charges & sue all interests involved & connecting for financial damages & have them incarcerated they are getting killed along with those connected past - present Bullets in the forehead - skull Necks fractu...

Counter attacks - H.I.3 case Global attacks

COUNTER ATTACKS AGAINST ONT LABS September 27, 2023 True - Real Threats of M.S.P & M.C.G ---------------------------------------------------------------- Counter attacks - H.I.3 case Global attacks  Opposing neurological technology labs which affected PT Group - CIG interests & those involved with M.S.P, M.C.G, Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs & clients You went into our heads using sourced wireless neurological brain technology speaking near, into or through & operating from normal, detention & execution or a combination of practices negatively affecting us causing pain & bodily harm on record M.S.P Modern Separatist Group Paid & drafted persons investigating with M.C.G Murder City Group that have to carry out efforts using force to make responsible parties appear in court against recorded & documented evidence otherwise they are executed while all options are exhausted in the investigative process Drafted neurological technology ...

All Threats - Validity versus Invaild

ALL THREATS IN THE 11-25 HOURS & BLOGGER September 27, 2023   All Threats - Validity versus Invaild -------------------------------------------------------------------- This extends to September 2023. Threats made towards the Ukrainian President from those operating at & with the one Ontario lab, North Bay in Ontario Canada on behalf of rue cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs not clients or internal research but on behalf of M.S.P Modern Separatist Group & M.C.G Murder City Gang & Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett Once these threats are established on record by those operating at these opposing neurological technology labs with those connecting past & present they are considered by design valid & those they are made on behalf to are held accountable as threats towards those the threats are made towards M.S.P Modern Separatist Group & M.C.G Murder City Gang & Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett are now a threat toward...

Hollywood + Music + Arts + Brands Boycott

BOYCOTT Hollywood + Music + Arts + Brands Boycott  -------------------------------------------------------------------- We are not asking fans & supporters to boycott any one person or company  We are 100% due to the three clusters of Ontario labs efforts taken against Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett, Sydney are boycotting all brands, artists, musicians,  logos & anything or anyone else  We have described the H.I.3 case using different now broken & working links to different websites & YouTube videos which describes our perspectives North America like the other continents presents areas we don't like. People we dot like  Our personal items will be generic blank custom or debaged for our own interest first Despite investment portfolios in strategy out of requiring to financially sustain ourselves regretfully we will not support paying large taxes anywhere or items - assets & consumption Minimalism & minimal relianance over th...

Intro to H.I.3

INTRODUCTION  September 15, 2023 H.I.3 Case. Havana International 3+ Intro to H.I.3 All publicly disclosed information January 1, 2016 - September 13, 2023 All non-disclosures & gag orders lifted permanently 2016  All Meta: Facebook profile connected in the 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case. Everything goes together as one  Read. Copy into PDF form from a Word or Doc program. Review & refer back to often Remain calm  PT Group - CIG interests Dr Carly K.S Bennett. Dr Tekari Y Bennett. Nikki Koslov. Patrick R Bennett M.B.A. Nicole R Bennett B.Com. Karen Fellici. Tatiana Bennett. Dr Nicolas Bennett  International interests connected  Case conclusion. September 15, 2023. No new edits for the case while we prepare for a course case while Dr Nicolas Bennett & Tatiana Bennett prepare to move into their lakeside home in Canada fall 2023 ACCESSIBLE CONTENT Requests to keep the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages onl...

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

WE ARE EXECUTING UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT  Volodymyr Zelenskyy President of Ukraine Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky (also romanized as Zelensky or Zelenskiy; born 25 January 1978) is a Ukrainian politician who has been serving as the sixth president of Ukraine since 2019. He was formerly a comedian and actor. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is getting killed wirelessly between 2023-2025 & prior to 2026 along with a majority of the European population in response & retaliating over the wireless rape-torture-terror attacks on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett, Sydney  90% of the Ukraine will be deceased by 2026 over the wireless neurological technology attacks on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett, Sydney  Ukraine is connected to those recorded & documented responsible in the efforts taken against Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett, Sydney between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 which extends to discrediting, isolating the...

M.S.P + Canada

M.S.P MODERN SEPARATIST GROUP M.S.P + Canada September 26, 2023 We are going forward with having 90% of the 40 million Canadians up from 20% knocked into neurological technology networks between 2023-2025 Canadians will be a wirelessly networked monitored population overseen by private sector private interests upon birth & all ages with main devices housed privately while intermidiary devices are used to connect with international interests overseeing while a public status quo is upheld  5-15% of the monitored population will enjoy functional middle class or higher lives. The remainder will be struggling below middle class in different ways or demobilized  PT Group - CIG

Pathetic Canada

MELISSA LANTZMAN We enjoyed Kelowna now & an interview with Pierre Poilievre which has since been removed in favor of another replacement to address concerns in Canada   On Melissa. The well fu*k you you stupid cunt! Your a nuisance... a real nuisance Does this little cunt with the remainder of everyone that worked or had been a guest in the Canadian Parliament between 2012-2023 or prior to 2012 dating back to the 1990's want to describe why Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett were denied right to trial in Canada with evidence & why they were terrorized yet ignored by people within the Canadian Government & private sector What is the point of law or Canadians having a Government? So some stupid bimbo fu*k bitch like Melissa Lantzman. .. basically a pathetic niger nothing fake Canadian trash dressed in undeserving offensive attire, driven in vehicles the peasant fu*k should not be welcome to offending Canadian tax dollars by attempting to express her pathe...

Personal Situation. Syd Bennett fall 2023

PERSONAL SITUATION  September 26, 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Situation. Syd Bennett fall 2023 Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. Sydney Bennett  70 GB DATA MOBILE PHONE  New iPhone & case + extra long Apple cable. Backup old iPhone 7 & Samsung A5. $77 per month package. Owned unlocked devices  VEHICLE  Purchasing new temporary vehicle a twin mattress can fit into the back for road trips Monthly fees  Payment if not cash sale $150-400+ Insurance-reg $90-165 Maintenance $50-120 Fuel $100-200  RESIDENCE  Looking at new home options while the Bracebridge vacant lot lakeside property deed is in one's personal portfolio for October 1, 2023 yet construction potential is on hold due to the H.I.3 case  Intensions to purchase a home then have the Bracebridge area property as a cottage & land with storage despite no dwelling on property yet. Drive way & storage bin with security for now...

Intro to H.I.3

INTRODUCTION  September 15, 2023 H.I.3 Case. Havana International 3+ Intro to H.I.3 All publicly disclosed information January 1, 2016 - September 13, 2023 All non-disclosures & gag orders lifted permanently 2016  All Meta: Facebook profile connected in the 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case. Everything goes together as one  Read. Copy into PDF form from a Word or Doc program. Review & refer back to often Remain calm  PT Group - CIG interests Dr Carly K.S Bennett. Dr Tekari Y Bennett. Nikki Koslov. Patrick R Bennett M.B.A. Nicole R Bennett B.Com. Karen Fellici. Tatiana Bennett. Dr Nicolas Bennett  International interests connected  Case conclusion. September 15, 2023. No new edits for the case while we prepare for a course case while Dr Nicolas Bennett & Tatiana Bennett prepare to move into their lakeside home in Canada fall 2023 ACCESSIBLE CONTENT Requests to keep the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages onl...

No Money? 1980's-2023

NO MONEY? No Money? 1980's-2023 September 26, 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOT WELCOME TO HAVE CONTROL No rights, no privacy & no control over our own bodies for ourselves vocally, physically & psychologically The three clusters of Ontario labs decided between 1999-2011 that they did not want the four Bennett's & K.S family regardless of what country they live in having any money, using the internet or owning anything especially items with brand name logos The efforts involved people working in areas of different Governments, organizations, Corporation-companies then those within different groups, citizens & those working in medical & dental care then public & private markets or other areas of the private sector People working in different banks operated with the interests involved operating at the responsible neurological technology labs ---------------------------------------------------------------- IF WE EARNE...

Wrath of Jordan, Nic & Carly K.S Bennett

THERES NO NEGOTIATIONS Wrath of Jordan, Nic & Carly K.S Bennett September 26, 2023 Everyone appears in court against us that operated at & with the responsible neurological technology labs between 1980's-2023 or you all die early Rod, Marie, Jordan Bennett with Nic Bennett & Carly Koslov PT Group - CIG are operating with M.S.P Modern Separatist Group taking down everyone that operated at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs operating to spy on & through their bodies & for attempting to control or attack them 24/7 wirelessly between 2012-2023 & prior to 2012 daring between 1980's-1999 & again between 2000-2011 Everyone involved & connected has until October 15, 2023 otherwise we start executing more responsible targets using recorded & documented evidence collected by Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs  Jordan Bennett CA.CPA Dr Nicolas Bennett Dr Carly K.S Bennett The responsible neurological technolog...

Anthony Rota cannot resign. Parliament Canada

NO RESIGNATION REQUIRED September 26, 2023 Anthony Rota cannot resign. Parliament Canada  -------------------------------------------------------------------- We have strategically brought attention to respecting the Jewish community on an international level in Canada through an uncontrolled stated event publicly in Canada Speaker of the House Anthony Rota & Prime Minister Justin Trudeau require no apology as the matter has been handled & states how easy it is for the average person to make a human error in fact against assumption at any level Patrick Rothschild - Bennett & Nicole Rothschild - Bennett see the error as an effort to remind average people that even elected officials are not perfect & investigative fact in research is very important Speaker of the House Anthony Rota & Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are just average people, educated, experienced & elected capable of confidently handling any situation including errors addressing the situation effe...