Communication - Dr Sydney Bennett H.I.3


Communication - Dr Sydney Bennett H.I.3

September 30, 2023


I do not have to or like to as I cannot fu*king stand a majority of 50+ percentage of people that had & do exist

If you were vocally mentioned or contacted by those operating at or with the one Ontario neurological technology lab between 1985-2023 I, Dr Sydney N Bennett do not like, trust or respect you & never will. I am pissed off & will never stop being pissed off at everyone involved & connected then those mentioned which extends to any content, product, service, brand or organization, corporation or company on earth that had or does & may exist 


While CIG The CommonWealth Group supports equal rights PT tolerates law & that decision with strict reservations on profiling persons

Safe or unsafe


Straight heterosexual ------------------------------

Safe or unsafe predictable honest or not

Damaging competitive alleged normal persons or supporters of weirdos that want to sabotage others & make them into weirdos


LGBTQ2+ -----------------------------------------------------

Safe or unsafe predictable honest or not with normal closer to Straight heterosexual normal versus deranged erratic, unpredictable delusional weird unsafe that sewage torture one another hard core for kicks to see if they can feel physically or emotionally then gain

Vocabulary like referring to people as fu*k heads while you have your thumb up your ass making disturbing comments out your mouth wasting others time & life in the process

I always thought to tolerate few bisexual misguided women solely while the others law forces me to tolerate otherwise I don't notice their existence


Disabled mental or physical & combination -

Safe or unsafe predictable honest or
not with normal closer to Straight heterosexual normal versus deranged erratic, unpredictable delusional weird unsafe

Vocabulary like referring to people as fu*k heads while you have your thumb up your ass making disturbing comments out your mouth wasting others time & life in the process

I always thought to tolerate few disabled - handicaps solely while the others law forces me to tolerate otherwise I don't notice their existence as I don't allow myself to be equipped

PERSONAL RULES ---------------------------------------

I am 100% every person I met between birth - present time & refuse a relationship directly or through different persons they are connected to mainly in Canada & United States of America

I feel 90-99% of everyone I met & those connected past-present should be dead or serving multiple life sentences in solitary cells

I do not & did not like or trust any of them & would never acknowledge how they think or how they live or what they are interested in

I do not & did not like or trust anyone connected & would never acknowledge how they think or how they live or what they are interested in

I do not like Canada or the United States of America. I do not particularly like most countries on earth or events, people & structure or what had & does exist. I tolerate & am specific on conscious decisions towards anything & everything

If you physically entered the responsible neurological technology lab in Northern Ontario that illegally connected my body permanently between 1985-2023

I am 100% against you. I hate you. I am pissed off at you & will never cease being pissed off at you. I want you dead or serving multiple life sentences in solitary cells permanently

If your connected to those that physically entered the responsible neurological technology lab in Northern Ontario that illegally connected my body permanently between 1985-2023

If you spoke on my behalf using assumptions against fact or my own conscious educated decision or & attempted to compare me to someone that had or does life on earth I am 100% against you in every way possible


The sole people I will communicate with now in 2023 include only CIG The CommonWealth Group legal representation Karen Fellici in Montreal, Quebec, Canada tjen specific screened persons connected or my legal representation in Toronto for PT (October 2023)

People involved with & at the one Ontario lab between 1980's-2023 decided they would try to dissect my memories wirelessly using groups of criminally & mentally ill retarded fagg*t people which I hate

They decided to state as to why I thought, imagined, remembered or physically experienced anything between 1985-1999, 2000-2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 

Despite expressed firm opinions, sarcasm or humor in the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case I, Dr Sydney N Bennett am 100% against everyone involved & connected including those that disregarded law & belief negatively affecting their lives or others 

I will solely associate with my legal representation, financial advisor then specifics connected then my security interests & which ever lady I am dating 


I am 100% against 80-95% of my life cycle of experience's as I was left fighting for control of my body daily between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 

In the 5-20% includes earned credentials & portfolio of projects then investments with interests, learned knowledge & skill while the 80-95% was & is more or less documented as what hell on earth is. An incredibly painful life physically & emotionally 

The one Ontario lab, North Bay in Ontario Canada is solely responsible with those involved & connected past - present while I am almost 100% in disagreement with past brain research at Laurention University & McGill University 


Paid & drafted persons

We are following through in executing everyone that operated with & athe the one Ontario neurological technology lab between 1980's-2023

Life imprisonment & financial damages paid or killed. Bullets in there head, fractured necks or knocked into neurological technology networks & executed after memory extracted 

You can talk to me face to face like respectful adults or life imprisonment or an early death to spy in me wirelessly & attempt to control my body from the inside out talking to me wirelessly 

Reference. M.S.P - Angel - KKK like killers


September 30, 2023

The United States Government & Private Sector alongside different persons & groups are caught operating with & at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay between 2012-2023 or prior to 2012

Despite past relationships with Americans I, Dr Sydney Bennett refuse to communicate with Americans or those connected internationally again

Dr Carly K.S Bennett & family can connect through CIG The CommonWealth Group legal representation Karen Fellici

If you physically entered the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay between 2012-2023 or prior to 2012 or if you connected to someone that had or if you were contacted by someone that had I, Dr Sydney N Bennett am 100% against you regardless & those you had met or are connected to past - present

I feel the same way about the majority of the Canadian population with 2-5% being an exception while 60+ countries it is exactly like that. I don't fu*king like people 


September 30, 2023

90-98% of the Canadian population will cease to exist by 2028 while the remaining of that percentage are deceased or under neurological technology network control by different labs

If we cannot monitor our enemies & revoke them financial or social power to sabotage or over power us we must retaliate by attacking them back if legal options do not work

We are now executing every human being that operated at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab which spied on & through my body 24/7 between 1985-2023

We are executing the past - present Canadian Government & Private Sector interests caught operating with & at the one Ontario neurological technology lab between 1980's-2023

Your all getting killed for illegally spying on & through my body at anytime between 1985-2023



Post 2028. Less than 5000 Canadians will have control over their own bodies, rights while a public status quo is upheld in response & retaliation over the H.I.3 case while the remainder will be deceased & immigration will be controlled 

40 million to under 5000 between 2023-2028 as we are destroying their brains & internal organs in response & retaliation over the 2012-2023 & prior efforts taken between mainly 1990's-2011 while the remainder kept alive will due wirelessly slowly as we extract memory & analyze then revoke financial - asset status privately before executing in newly controlled simple lives 

The remainder of the population will be monitored in daily lived & taken over by human teams at main devices or through log in mobile control apps then slowly placed into simple lives before early deaths or incarceration while finances are slowly evaporated through different efforts to other accounts & assets down sized to minimalist renting, public transit or small low cost vehicle options 

PT Prehistoric Territory 


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