Counter attacks - H.I.3 case Global attacks


September 27, 2023

True - Real Threats of M.S.P & M.C.G


Counter attacks - H.I.3 case Global attacks 

Opposing neurological technology labs which affected PT Group - CIG interests & those involved with M.S.P, M.C.G, Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs & clients

You went into our heads using sourced wireless neurological brain technology speaking near, into or through & operating from normal, detention & execution or a combination of practices negatively affecting us causing pain & bodily harm on record

M.S.P Modern Separatist Group

Paid & drafted persons investigating with M.C.G Murder City Group that have to carry out efforts using force to make responsible parties appear in court against recorded & documented evidence otherwise they are executed while all options are exhausted in the investigative process

Drafted neurological technology network connected persons & those not operating with have to as draft persons follow through or other draft groups Governing will negatively affect or execute them & those connected in their lives past & present

M.C.G Murder City Gang

Investigating everyone that operated at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs & other opposing neurological technology labs operating against our connected interests

Operating handlers

Past - present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in


Persons & groups connected, contacted & those connected or connecting through offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication


PT Group - CIG 


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