Minors loosing their lives - H.I.3


September 27, 2023

M.S.P Modern Separatist Group


The group is executing the parents,  grand parents (ages 18-100+) & minors (ages 0-17) that operated physically at the three clusters of Ontario labs spying on & through the bodies of any PT Group - CIG or M.S.P & M.C.G interests between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

This is for spying on & through the bodies & attempting to control our bodies while attempting to control the daily lives 24/7 using those operating at the responsible neurological technology labs while in contact with persons in their private lives that they knew or know & others connected then those at workplaces or connected within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada

Minors & adults socially sabotaging us while speaking for us when we go to talk or in general whilst attacking our bodies wirelessly from the inside out

Minors loosing their lives - H.I.3 


PT Group - CIG


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