You Cannot Own Sydney Nicola Bennett as a wireless Robot. H.I.3 case


North Bay, Ontario, Canada 

The Havana International 3+ case



You Cannot Own Sydney Nicola Bennett as a wireless Robot. H.I.3 case 

It is illegal to have lured in Dr Sydney Nicola Bennett in for something else & to have permanently connected his body to own as a robot wirelessly as was done between 1980's-1990's in the North Bay area of Ontario Canada 

This is separate from brain research conducted at Laurention University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada with Michael Persinger in the past since 1990's with Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs involved 

The North Bay & area lab which sourced the wireless equipment effectively connected Dr Sydney Nicola Bennett's body to own as a robot slave monitoring & or monitoring & controlling 24/7 leaving Sydney Mic fighting for control of his body daily regardless of where he was or what he was doing or intending to do 


Full body wireless permanent drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology where the consciousness is locked in so those with the device can operate the body vocally, physically & psychologically

Nick names: Sydney,  Sydney, City & Nic

There are instructions on what to do & how to handle the case within the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 vase for Police, Government & Private Sector interests with different persons & groups 

The one Ontario lab, North Bay had Dr Sydney Bennett's connectef permanently prior to 1999 & left Dr Sydney Bennett fighting for control of the body since 24/7


These interests show up to the location, sign in as single or multiple people going into the head wirelessly to monitor mental state: thought, imagination & memory while they take partial to almost full control of the body for their own interests while monitoring through eyes & ears wirelessly

It is like wearing the body as a suit from the inside out like tour the skeleton



- Sight see what the subject sees on a screen wirelessly

- Hearing hear what the subject hears through an audible speaker wirelessly 

- Taste monitor subjects taste

- Touch monitor subjects touch

- Smell monitor subjects smell


- Circulation blood flow & nerves

- Muscles head to toe including facial & jaw

- Internal organs & organ function

- Control over limbs, hands, fingers & toes plus skeleton 

- Control of kidney function then passing stool & genitalia 

Psychological - Mental 

- Monitoring of thought, imagination & memory on a screen. You can visually see what the subject is doing or thinking

- Voice to skull 

- Normal to detention & execution or a combination of practices with use of tightening & loosing of muscles or contracting & expanding internal organs 


- Disabling vocals to send vocal's through mouth wirelessly in any style or decibel level at choice of those at the device 

Professional Portfolio - Resume CV of Dr Sydney Bennett


PT Prehistoric Territory 


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