Police & Courts Immediately. October 26, 2023


Dr Nick Bennett. Life & safety of 

October 26, 2023

If you physically entered the respective neurological technology lab housing the device connected to the body of CIG The CommonWealth Group Investor & shareholder Dr Nick Bennett which is also their Research & Services company C.E.O please feel obligated to do the right thing by contacting Government & Police then instigate a court case over the human rights, safety & well being of Dr Nick Bennett which had been compromised between 2012-2023 after separate efforts were taken between 1990's-2011 while Dr Nick Bennett fought to earn credentials & develop a respected career 

Our request is to physically move the device after review of the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours profiles & Blogger pages written by a Dr Nick Bennett not to be confused by friend Sydney Bennett of the female gender which assisted with other CIG invested interests 

Different investments can be set up to cover calculated financial damages owed quite easily within less than one month to cover loans or anything of that nature required. The financial aspect is coveted in multiple ways by over 500 interests internationally

Police & Courts Immediately. October 26, 2023 

CIG The CommonWealth Group - Montreal

Access to all links. H.I.3 Case 

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