North Bay + H.I.3 Canada wide Riots

ST Group 

North Bay + Canada wide Riots 

August 23, 2023



Peaceful protest with multiple groups:

Murder City Gang + segregated groups 

Safe groups in protest 

Staged riots as distraction:

Modern Separatist Group + segregated groups 

Advanced infiltration & techniques using basic, mid level & advanced trained groups 

The staged riots will be used as a distraction focus point to take control of Government & Private Sector 

Negotiations over H.I.3 & economy, insurance pools using international & Canadian based groups from the inside out & outside in 

Mass looting destroying infrastructure 

Control over all neurological technology labs operating within & outside Canada affecting those subjects living in Canada 

$10 + Billion dollars in damages planned 

Destroy, negotiate & rebuild with Government, Private Sector & Media 

Let's keep human casualties to a minimal while we use forced court trials with media to negotiate using recorded & documented evidence & traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication 


Recruited Groups. Everyone does their part

A public status quo upheld & controlled 


ST Group 


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