
Crating - Cypress Motors SB - RBK

Crating - Cypress Motors SB - RBK 496 Pages of 22 Blogger profiles (not .com) February 20, 2024 Havana Syndrome Case. H.I.3 1985-2024+ The Independent Commonwealth + Allies Windsor - Rothschild - Rothschild Bennett  H.I.3 CASE OWNERSHIP The Commonwealth Group Rothschild - Bennett + Bennett + Koslov families Advanced investigative profiles with 5 Eyes + Knights Templar 22 Blogger Profiles Owned by CIG - MSN - Blogger - Raw data notes pertaining to the case with over 10,000 profile posts that are simple, easy to understand & a quick read that all interconnect with provided URL reference links 30+ Meta: Facebook Profiles Owned by CIG - Facebook - Blogger - All profile time line - main pages + profile photo albums & descriptions - Raw data notes pertaining to the case with over 10,000 profile posts that are simple, easy to understand & a quick read that all interconnect with provided URL reference links PURPOSE

Crating. H.I.3 Conclude. Dec 15. 23

H.I.3 CASE 2024 - FINAL EDIT  December 15, 2023  Crating. H.I.3 Conclude. Dec 15. 23  Read & gain an understanding of everything within  Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours profiles & corresponding Blogger pages associated description of the H.I.3 case pertaining to the four Bennett’s & CIG - Seven  Scroll down. Read all timeline & main page posts then photo album descriptions & photo descriptions  Proceed to all profile links to review everything as it all goes together as one with reminders  LIFE & CAREER OF DR NIC BENNETT Join over 500 million of my supporters that follow my career, social - financial & career portfolio, development & global investments connected to over 2 billion including the H.I.3 case while we go against just under 20 million of over 8 billion people alive despite some connected having since died between 1990’s-2023  The families of the deceased do remain connected for their own interests & protection  2024 - LIVE  Bennett - Brand &

H.I.3 - All Links December 21, 2023

MASTER LINKS - EVERY DETAIL  Everything you need to know... H.I.3 - All Links December 21, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-30 days or 2 months of reading. Remain organized as you read each main page - time line, photo album & photograph description then Blogger page post as it all goes together as one with the H.I.3 case intertwined  No subliminal secret triple plus psychological programming with no or key word & memory trigger activation in descriptions. It is safe to read  Don't miss anything. Read everything slowly & thoroughly  FIRST LINK - Scroll down to all links  Page 1. All pages go together as one. Sydney Bennett CIG 2023 restructure H.I.3 Case. Organized strategically for review + PDF back up. Copy - save into Word or Doc for review & share copies like millions have -------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

Crating MK H.I.3

Crating MK H.I.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Nic Bennett (Sydney) H.I.3 CASE  November 24, 2023 Read all Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours profiles that all interconnect as one for the criminal case then connect with all corresponding Blogger pages as it all comes together effectively with documented & recorded evidence. You can read within 30-60 hours or under 2-4 weeks after work noting all pages you read organizing together & even copy - paste into word or other document processor saving as PDF to refer to as reference  CORPORATE & HIGH PROFILE BRANDED PROFILE   Sydney Bennett - Seven. The CommonWealth Group Corresponding Social Pages  CIG 7 - The Commonwealth Group CIG 7 Research (Formerly Fox) H.I.3 case. All details  Replace (dot) with actual . to reveal link  https:/

H.I.3 Case - Greying Hair + Stress

H.I.3 CASE Legal action taken over every detail 24/7 between 1985-1999, 2000-2011 & 2012-2023 Age 38. Studying males in the family versus greying hair which begins at ages 52-55 into their 60's then more pronounced in their late 60's early to late 70's The one Ontario neurological technology lab caused unthinkable stress & injuries leading to greying white hair of the beard & hair mainly between 2012-2023 which may be reversable through unmanning the neuro-lab research equipment & a health lifestyle, low stress & relaxation then US scientific efforts STUDIES Studies to reverse aging & greying white hair outside of requirement for facial surgery, professional teeth whitening & pinhole gum grafting then review of all other concerns including removal of chest fatty tissue & in the left forearm from abuse & efforts taken by the one Ontario neuro-lab prior to & post 2012 A new study shows that stress really can give you gray hair. Research

Dr Nick Bennett. North Bay retirement 2024

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2023 New personal & professional life restructure  Of Dr Nick Bennett No mortgages. No debt. Savings & retirement income then investment returns + taxes on contract gigs. Age 38 (November 2023). Partially retired. CEO of CIG & one of two majority shareholders  Sustained comfortably with monthly returns after tax over $1M US dollars permanently or into 2090 strategically for estate which transfers in decision between children while their portfolios are developed through the same group  CAREER - PARTIAL RETIREMENT  Office - Lease Computer & files then specifics for CIG downtown North Bay in Ontario Canada Research Facility Specific prototypes & project based or relevant items of the facility in the North Bay in Ontario Canada Deviding 3 days a week working from the North Bay office or research facility connecting with our Melbourne offive & research location's then European & international interests  PERSONAL  1. Private Residence Valued

Lawsuit against over 10 million people

LAWSUIT AGAINST 10+ BILLION PEOPLE November 6, 2023 I, Dr Nick Bennett am launching an advanced lawsuit with the CIG group against the one Ontario neurological technology lab housing the device the location sourced & illegally connected my body to prior to 1999 & left me unmanned illegally monitoring me prior to their 24/7 attacks they began carrying out between 2012-2023 Every person that operated at the location daily include people I am suing for financial damages expecting to bankrupt while I am also suing accomplices connected & those they contacted outside the location within & outside the borders & airspace Canada Past-present 24 hour rotational teams with guests flown in & driven then accomplices connected & those contacted then groups connected to them Every person aged 18-100+ then those ages 0-17 then those since turned ages 18+ are facing criminal charges based on recorded & documented evidence collected prior to 1999 & daily between 1999